Shake, Rattle and Roll (1984) is the first of the popular series of Filipino horror movies composed of three episodes. Baso (Glass) shows the adventure of three friends who performs Spirit of the Glass and discovers the tale of a tragic love triangle. Pridyider (Frigidaire–a refrigerator brand-name) revolves around a refrigerator that seems to be alive. Manananggal is about a teenager who courts a barrio lass without knowing that she’s a monster–until she eventually causes chaos to his family.
Release: Shake Rattle Roll 1984 tt0156066
General: mkv | 1029 Kbps | 920 MB | 02:04:56
Video: 880 Kbps | 512×384 (4:3) | 25.000 fps | MPEG-4 Visual
Audio 1: MPEG Audio at 128 Kbps | 2 channels | 48 Khz | (Tagalog)
Files inside archive: txt, mkv (total 2 files)Language: Tagalog
Subtitles (Softcoded): English