In a far-away village, lived an innocent teenage girl, “Sai” who later discovered herself inheriting the curse of “Krasue”. At night, her head would detach from her body and hunts for flesh and blood. Villagers are terrified by the deaths of their livestocks and that is when the Krasue hunt begins. “Jerd” a friend joined the hunt with an unknown reason while “Noi”, the childhood friend who had just came back to the village decided to stand beside Sai despite knowing the horrifying truth.
Release: Krasue Inhuman Kiss 2019 THAI 720p BluRay H264 AAC-VXT
General: mp4 | 1.47 GB | 02:01:59
Video: 1500 Kbps | 1280×572 (2.238:1) | 24.000 fps | avc1
Audio 1: mp4a-40-2 at 224 Kbps | 6 channels | 48 Khz | (Thai)
Files inside archive: mp4, srt, url (total 5 files)Language: Thai
Subtitles: English (.srt)
Release: Sang Krasue (2019) [BLURAY] [720p] [BluRay]-YTS
General: mp4 | 1286 Kbps | 1.1 GB | 02:01:59
Video: 1150 Kbps | 1280×570 (2.243:1) | 24.000 fps | AVC
Audio 1: AAC at 129 Kbps | 2 channels | 96 Khz | (N/A)
Files inside archive: mp4, txt (total 2 files)Language: Thai
Subtitles: Not included
Release: Sang Krasue (2019) [BLURAY] [1080p] [BluRay] [5 1]-YTS
General: mp4 | 2640 Kbps | 2.25 GB | 02:01:59
Video: 2250 Kbps | 1920×856 (2.243:1) | 24.000 fps | AVC
Audio 1: AAC at 384 Kbps | 6 channels | 96 Khz | (N/A)
Files inside archive: mp4, txt (total 2 files)Language: Thai
Subtitles: Not included